Project Detail

Project type: Modular Residence
Owner: RND Center, RK Mallik
Location: Kupondole, Lalitpur
Scope: Architecture Design+Floor Rendering
Project year: 2016

Modular building plans encompass architectural planning and rendering plans for construction with a focus on light structural design. These plans involve creating a framework for buildings that can be easily assembled and disassembled, allowing for flexibility and scalability. The architectural planning ensures that the design is aesthetically pleasing, functional, and meets all necessary building codes and regulations. Rendering plans provide a visual representation of the building design, allowing for a better understanding of the final product. The emphasis on light structural design means that the buildings are constructed with lightweight materials, making them easier to transport and assemble. Overall, modular building plans with architectural planning and rendering plans offer a comprehensive approach to designing and constructing buildings that are efficient, cost-effective, and adaptable to various needs and environments.

Project Description